BVE Sobu Narita line

BVE Sobu and Narita line / Kashima line Driving guide

Max speed

Maximum speed by train type and section

The maximum speed of the train is determined not by the endless speed even though it is a straight section, but by the vehicle and the section.

Series 113/115 EMU Series 211/209/E217 EMU Series 183/189/485 EMU Series 253/255/E257/E259 EMU
Chiba to Narita 100 km/h 110 km/h 120 km/h 120 km/h
Narita to Narita airport 100 km/h 110 km/h 120 km/h 130 km/h
Narita - Sawara - Kashima jingu 85 km/h

For locomotive trains, it depends on the class of the train.

Station stop position

stop position

The stop position at the station depends on numbers of trains.
The train stops at the stop position indicator location with the same number as number of cars. If there is no sign with the same number, it stops at the sign of the nearest numeral which is larger than the number of cars.

The freight train stops at 50 m before the departure signal.



Departure signal/Entering signal/Block signal

It is called a main signal, and each traffic light has a section securing the safety of the train.
It also shows the permission to enter and leave the station and the way it goes in the turnout.

Slow down
Speed restriction
Chiba to Narita No limit of signal. 75 km/h or less 55 km/h or less 25 km/h or less Stop
Narita to Sawara, Kahima-Jingu 65 km/h or less 45 km/h or less 25 km/h or less
Locomotive 65 km/h or less 45 km/h or less 25 km/h or less

Relay signal

Relay signal is installed for the purpose of relaying the indication of the main signal and supplementing the confirmation distance when the distance at which the main signal (Departure signal/Entering signal/Block signal) can be confirmed is influenced by the influence of a curve.

Relay proceed
Relay limit
Relay stop
Relay proceed Relay limit Relay stop
Next main signal Proceed signal Slow-down or Caution or Speed-restriction Stop signal

Shunting signal

It is a signal for a train to shunting at the station.

Proceed Stop
Meaning of Signal indicate. Proceed
(45km/h or less)

Hazard warning indicator

It is a indicator used when you need to stop the train in an emergency.
If you confirm the flickering of the signal you must immediately stop the train.

Normal Emergency
Normal Emergency
Meaning of indicate. It is a normal state. Emergency situations such as railroad crossing trouble and falling rock detection are occurring on the tracks ahead.
Immediately please stop the train.


Speed limit indicator

The speed limit indicator is installed in the section where it is necessary to reduce the speed from the maximum speed of the route because of the curve, turnout, rail condition etc.

Speed limit indicator Speed limit indicator
with limit distance
Speed limit indicator
for turnout
Speed limit indicator
2 starge
Speed limit indicator Speed limit indicator Speed limit indicator Speed limit indicator
Explanation of indication Numbers indicate speed limit.
Numbers indicate speed limit.
The lower number is the limit distance.
Numbers indicate speed limit for turnout
Speed limit of Train turning in the direction of the black triangle.
The limit is canceled when the trailing end of the train exceeds the turnout.
Numbers indicate speed limit.
The number shown in the lower row is the speed limit for express trains.
Locomotive Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers of up side
Series 113/115 EMU Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers at of side
Series 209/211/E217 EMU Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers of up side
Express train Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers Indicate Numbers of lower side

Speed limit indicator
2 starge(Green marker)
Speed limit indicator
2 starge(Orange marker)
Speed limit indicator
for local train
Limit end indicator
Speed limit indicator 2 starge(Green marker) Speed limit indicator 2 starge(Orange marker) Speed limit indicator for local train limitend
Explanation of indication Numbers indicate speed limit.
The number shown in the lower row is the speed limit for express trains.
If there is a green marker, the speed limit will be higher than the display of the Local train.
Numbers indicate speed limit.
The number shown in the lower row is the speed limit for express trains.
If there is a orange marker, the speed limit will be higher than the display of the Local train.
Limited speed for local trains with maximum speed exceeding 100 km/h.
There is no speed limit for express trains.
It is installed at the position where the speed limit ends.
The limit will be lifted when all the vehicles pass this position.
Locomotive Indicate Numbers of up side Indicate Numbers of up side No limit Limit end
Series 113/115 EMU Indicate Numbers of up side +5km/h Indicate Numbers of up side +5km/h Indicate Numbers Limit end
Series 209/211/e217 EMU Indicate Numbers of up side +10km/h Indicate Numbers of up side +5km/h Indicate Numbers Limit end
Express train Indicate Numbers of lower side Indicate Numbers of lower side No limit Limit End

Other indicater

It shows information on routes and positions, and instructions on driving.

Route indicater Horn ringing Acceleration start Acceleration End Signal Call
Route indicater Horn Acceleration start Acceleration end Acceleration End
Explanation of indication It is attached as an auxiliary indication that shows the previous course when signal are shared by two or more directions.
It shows that it is on the right side in the above figure.
It is installed in places where it is necessary to sound a horn to inform of the approach of the train. Estimated to start acceleration Estimated to end acceleration Indicates that the station is approaching.

Station approach Boundary of substation segment ATS change
Station approach Boundary of substation segment ATS change
Explanation of indication Indicates that the station is approaching.。 Substation which supplies power to overhead wire will change with this display as the boundary.
Because there is a possibility that the electric wire will cut due to the potential difference, you must not stop the train across this sign.
ATS changes from P type to S type from the position of the indicater.

(C)Nakano_Kazusa 2013- All right reseved